Wastewater treatment plant Bückeburg 35,000 inhabitants

The Bückeburg sewage treatment plant operates as mechanical-biological sewage treatment plant and disposes the sewage from the city of Bückeburg. In a feasibility study and economic analysis it was recognized that - due to the accumulation of sludge and the steadily increasing sewage sludge disposal costs - it is economical to convert the sewage treatment plant from aerobic to anaerobic sludge stabilization. Therefore the planning and construction of a digestion plant was required. A digestion tank with a digester volume of around 1,000m³ was planned on an open space. Also a gas storage facility and a machine house in which all relevant equipments such as digested sludge pumps, gas treatment, CHP plant and a necessary low-voltage switchgear for the new digestion plant are housed. The use of a combined heat and power system should ensure the generation of power electricity on-site and the heat generated is used to heat the digestion tower, the functional buildings at the sewage treatment plant in winter. The existing round rainwater treatment tank at the plant was converted into a primary treatment tank, with the integration of scraper technology, drainage construction and other facilities. Therefore a new intermediate pumping station has been implemented behind the primary treatment in order to integrate the primary treatment into the process. The entire projet was funded by the federal government and its project-sponsors via Lower Saxony Bank (N-Bank).
Our performance phases:
Phase 1-9 according to HOAI 2013 for engineering structures and technical equipment as well as construction management on site, use-specific facilities and high-voltage systems, as well as special services.