Sewage Treatment Plant Waiblingen

Project description
The sewage plant Waiblingen was brought up to its capacity limits through steady growth. This applies particularly to the aeration tanks within the existing cascade tanks, as well as the antiquated compressor units. Added to this circumstances, the locations of the fan were inconvenient, which then were placed at the pipe basement. It was agreed to expand the sewage plant by a new functional building. Within the new central compressor station 8 rotary compressors have to be placed. At the same time the gas storage, as well as the entire gas control up to the flare device has been renewed around the anaerobic digestion.
Expansion of the sewage plant by a new turbine house including a new fan group, VA-piping as well as gas storage, gas control and gas flare system. Remodeling in full operation. The performance of mechanical and chemical engineering has been rendered as professional planner for the engineering company SAG in Ulm.